Wednesday, November 9, 2011

 By Sadie Mae
Once there were four very scaly dragons found in a dungeon. The guards were so scared they let the dragons go. The four dragons loved to help people, (that is what got them into so much trouble) but they could never figure out why no one liked them. One day an old lady needed help to cross the street because there were so many cars. They all wanted to help her, but they all rushed forward at the exact same time, they bonked heads and fell down. When the old lady saw them trying to help her, she came from the edge of the street and kissed all four on the head. Everyone who saw this still loves the old lady and the four dragons to this day.

I wrote this story, but not for the writing class. I was working on my writing homework, and got SO BORED! I ended up wasting time thinking about dragons, dungeons, and other stuff. Since my imagination was already running, I wrote a story. This is what I ended with! I did end up turning this story into my writing teacher.  

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