Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Fun-to-Read record

The Epic of Gilgamesh, which for some time has been considered the oldest fictional story remembered, is filled with many things such as friendship and death, adventure and sorrow, trial and success. Originally written 5,000 years ago, it is thought to have been recorded on 12 tablets of stone. Gilgamesh, who happened to be a corrupt king at the beginning of the story, brutally ruled over the Sumerian city Urek. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic tale overflowing with glorious gods, amazing adventures, and magnificent mythical creatures. This story is surprisingly similar to the Bible. Such, as a colossal serpent steals eternal life from a man. Another similarity is the indefinite gods are so fed up with the awful mortals; they destroy all but one man in a worldwide flood. This man is mentioned. The Bible stories must have spread throughout most of the ancient world. This superb story is a record of the Sumerian culture that is very fun to read.
This is a story I wrote in my writing class last year. It could be concidered a prologue to the rest of the story that I have written. The stories were written from a key-word outline, though I did not follow the outline quite the way I was supposed to. I will post the rest of the story later.

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