Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gilgamesh's Despair

By Sadie Mae
Happily on his way home, Gilgamesh spotted a pond and went to take a dip. He skipped along to the pond, set the plant on a rock, and jumped in. Gilgamesh was just beginning to hum a happy tune, when out of the corner of his eye; he saw a vile serpent, coming toward the plant. His plant! Gilgamesh had swum to far away to do anything, but shouted and tried to scare the snake away. Helplessly, Gilgamesh watched the nasty snake swallow his lovely treasure. Gilgamesh continued to watch and to his utter amazement, the snake’s old, dull scales fell away, and new radiant scales grew where the old ones had been. Gilgamesh bellowed his despair while he watched the shiny snake slowly slither away.

I followed the outline pretty well for this story. I LOVE writing!!! 

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